Sunday, October 25, 2009

I want to play a game.

This week I was planning to go see Michael Moore's new documentary. There is one problem with my plan; it is not in theaters anymore. Dissapointed with tardiness, I decided to see Saw 6. I am going to review Saw 6. My review will definitely have nothing to do with economics, but who cares.

Anyone not familiar to the popular hear is a synopsis. The Saw movies involves John Kramer teaching unsuspecting victims about the value of life. The victims from previous movies range from doctors to drug addicts. He teaches the victims from games he designs. The games are traps that are extremly deadly if not completed. Five movies later and a large following, the sixth installment opened this weekend.

Warning! There will be spoilers.

Saw 6 begins with two mortgage lenders with drills attached to their heads. They will lend their flesh to win the game. Whoever gives more wins the game. After seeing the contestants you would think the fat man would have the advantage, but no. The skinny woman cuts off her arm with a demented look, and wins while her colleague brain is drilled. The movie continues with Agent Hoffman, jigsaws successor, trying to cover up his tracks by framing a dead agent with his crimes. The movie then shifts to a vice president of a h.m.o. To make things short, he is the main guy in this movie, competes in most of the games. He awakens to find him facing off against a janitor in a breathing competition. Whenever someone takes a breath, a vise tightens slowly. The odds are heavily in his favor because the janitor is a smoker. Heres a good lesson kids, don't smoke, and you can pass the serial killer's game.

Stay tuned for part two.


  1. My blog post is probably has some grammar errors. I am an amateur movie reviewer and there is a plenty of information to tell. I went fast through my blog and noticed an error in paragraph two line one. I need to slow down for part two.

  2. Haven't really been into the saw movies. Commenting on your last comment, do you actually review movies? If so, have you viewed Tarintinos Inglorious Bastards?
