Sunday, November 1, 2009

bored me to saw

I am going to skip to my favorite trap, it is a merry-go-round from hell. Strapped to the six slots are six of his most prized workers. They save him millions of dollars a year, and he has to chose two people to live. If you thought the town hall meetings were crazy all hell breaks loose in 30 seconds after a shotgun goes off. A woman lies that she is pregnant, pleading mothers, caring to ailing parents are all pleas screamed across the room. The movie ends with the health insurance man learning that he is part of another game. A family of a man he denied, also confused about a large vat of hydrofluoric acid, has the all important choice of life or death. Not only do they have that choice, the health insurers sister is trapped to look on to his imminent doom. The mother cannot bring herself to kill the man, but the vengeful son says he should die. Dozens of needles fall from the sky and inject the hydrofluoric acid into the man, and I'm not lying, literally melts like the wicked witch. Well I am going to end it at that because the real ending was horrible. All it did was left me confused and not wanting more.

The small moments of intrigue from interesting traps did not save this movie from its sheer lack of excitement. On the Martin Scale of you need to see this movie to watch it as an in-flight movie, I would call it a put your hands over your ears whenever someone talks about this movie and pretend it does not exist.

1 comment:

  1. Wowza, definitley did not want to see this movie. Michael Moore could have made this one better. Although I would still watch this movie more than Twilight. I mean come human and vampire teens coexisting. Yawn!
