Sunday, November 15, 2009

I Dont Know What To Write About


Saturday, November 7, 2009



What a good movie, but a strange one. I mean there is a man in a bear costume, a boy who has a personality that talks out of his finger, and Hong Kong Phooey. I digress, Jack Torrence(Jack Nicholson) arrives at a hotel to accept a job. We learn that a previous caretaker during the winter season killed his family. He gets the job and we meet Dick Hallorann(Scatman Crothers) who tells Jacks son Danny he has the shining, or I think it is more like telekinesis. Well Jack eventually goes bat shit crazy. He either sees a ghost or a imagination of his mind. The dialogue between these two is great because Nicholson delivers.

The movie best part is when Wendy wonders into Jack's study and reads his novel he has been writing. Ever sentence is all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. She grows ever more scared until Jack comes in and say he wants to bash her brains in. The chase ensues and Jack freezes in a hedge maze. This movie is absolutely fantastic. Nicholson's performs the role of a crazy man well. Please see this movie slowly go insane along with Jack.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

bored me to saw

I am going to skip to my favorite trap, it is a merry-go-round from hell. Strapped to the six slots are six of his most prized workers. They save him millions of dollars a year, and he has to chose two people to live. If you thought the town hall meetings were crazy all hell breaks loose in 30 seconds after a shotgun goes off. A woman lies that she is pregnant, pleading mothers, caring to ailing parents are all pleas screamed across the room. The movie ends with the health insurance man learning that he is part of another game. A family of a man he denied, also confused about a large vat of hydrofluoric acid, has the all important choice of life or death. Not only do they have that choice, the health insurers sister is trapped to look on to his imminent doom. The mother cannot bring herself to kill the man, but the vengeful son says he should die. Dozens of needles fall from the sky and inject the hydrofluoric acid into the man, and I'm not lying, literally melts like the wicked witch. Well I am going to end it at that because the real ending was horrible. All it did was left me confused and not wanting more.

The small moments of intrigue from interesting traps did not save this movie from its sheer lack of excitement. On the Martin Scale of you need to see this movie to watch it as an in-flight movie, I would call it a put your hands over your ears whenever someone talks about this movie and pretend it does not exist.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Saw Traps Video

Check this out.

I want to play a game.

This week I was planning to go see Michael Moore's new documentary. There is one problem with my plan; it is not in theaters anymore. Dissapointed with tardiness, I decided to see Saw 6. I am going to review Saw 6. My review will definitely have nothing to do with economics, but who cares.

Anyone not familiar to the popular hear is a synopsis. The Saw movies involves John Kramer teaching unsuspecting victims about the value of life. The victims from previous movies range from doctors to drug addicts. He teaches the victims from games he designs. The games are traps that are extremly deadly if not completed. Five movies later and a large following, the sixth installment opened this weekend.

Warning! There will be spoilers.

Saw 6 begins with two mortgage lenders with drills attached to their heads. They will lend their flesh to win the game. Whoever gives more wins the game. After seeing the contestants you would think the fat man would have the advantage, but no. The skinny woman cuts off her arm with a demented look, and wins while her colleague brain is drilled. The movie continues with Agent Hoffman, jigsaws successor, trying to cover up his tracks by framing a dead agent with his crimes. The movie then shifts to a vice president of a h.m.o. To make things short, he is the main guy in this movie, competes in most of the games. He awakens to find him facing off against a janitor in a breathing competition. Whenever someone takes a breath, a vise tightens slowly. The odds are heavily in his favor because the janitor is a smoker. Heres a good lesson kids, don't smoke, and you can pass the serial killer's game.

Stay tuned for part two.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The sick mans blog.

What is the true cost of being sick. You don't feel well for a few days, and their is the cost of drugs. The good kind of drugs though, perscription and over the counter. Why would I be talking about being sick. On thursday I went to the doctor, and I found out I had the flu. Seventy-two hours later I wonder what is the true cost of being sick. Yes, there is the cost of feeling ill, and the lost time. Time although can be made up, and ill feelings disappear. My main point of this blog is when to come back when you are sick. Come back too soon and you are miserable all day, and you risk spreading your germs to unsuspecting students and teachers. Wait! Stay home sick too long and you will have to take finals. I like other students do not like finals, and I should know I got a d minus on my geometry final. What I am trying to say is when you are sick stay home and worry about finals for later. I applaud the student who is not afraid of the dreaded finals. Please keep your germs at home because I do not think Purell baths have been invented yet. This weeks blog was susposed to be about the new Michael Moore documentary. Unfortunatley I have not yet seen his movie. I will try to see it next week, but Im not making any promises. I do promise to blog about it before the semesters over.

Please check this out.
And for all of you who use hand sanitizer like it is going out of style.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Want v Need

What are a want and a need?
Make sure to take the quiz. It is probably the easiest quiz since quizzes were created.
This is the most basic form of economics. We were all taught this as kids, just in case we don't remember here is the blog for you.
A need is something you have to have.
A want is something is something you would like to have.

A need is anything you need to survive. A need is a house, food, water, clothes, etc. A want is something you don't necessarily need to get by. A want is an iPod, car, plasma TV, etc. When looking at spending for items figure are the wants and needs.

This can help with over spending. Instead of buying a new TV, pay off the credit card bill.
Instead of buying a new xbox, buy groceries.

Is ice cream a want or a need?
Ice cream is food, so it must be a need. Ice cream is not essential food to survive. It is not essential because ice cream has fats that are not good.

Liquids are essential for living. Water, milk, and soda are all liquids, but are they all needs. Water and milk provides for our health. Soda does not provide for our health and is not a need.

What I learned from the website is if it is good for us it is a need.